Tuesday, November 22, 2011

I AM.....

I’m weird because…

I can't drink out of the same glass in a day. (hence the reason we have 20 glasses dirty each day).
I don't eat meat.
I wear the same outfit multiple days in a row (if it's clean!)
I like to dip my crackers in chocolate ice cream.
I prefer butter cream icing cake over any meal.
I can not sit with my back to a door.
I prefer to NOT cuddle when I sleep.
I treat my dog like she is a real baby.
I am a creature of habit.
I can’t sleep without a loud box fan.
I’m scared of cats and petrified of frogs.
I love the smell of old libraries.
I have watched the notebook at least 200 times.
I get excited during the holidays so I can watch Charlie Brown.
If I need something the first place I look is a thrift store. (I am truly a thrift-a-holic)
I believe I can make "everything"...
I hate drying my hair, I will go 4 days between washings, LOVE dry shampoo!
I am an English major and the worst speller ever.
I'm addicted to reality T.V.
I change "what I want to be when I grow up" at least 2 times a year.
I have to brush my teeth before I drink my orange juice.
I have a very strong sense of smell.
My car is always a mess.
I am a terrible driver (However, those wrecks REALLY were not my fault).
I am my biggest critic.
I can not say NO.
I never, ever iron....HATE IT!
I love to listen to swing/big band music all day.
I can not parallel park.
I will try anything once.
I am not afraid to talk to anyone.
I would rather be outside with nature, in a tent, than anywhere else in the world.
I love to read....love love love Nicholas Sparks.
I hate to go to the grocery store, I would rather have a root canal with no Novocain.
I am VERY sentimental....( probably the reason I look like a hoarder )

I’m a bad friend because…

I  sometimes take days to check my voice mails.
I am terrible at returning phone calls and emails.
I will choose time with my family over a shopping/lunch date with them.
I have a really bad filter, I don't always think before I speak.

I’m a good friend because…

I will drop everything for a friend in need.
If you are my friend you have a place in my heart for life.
I love their kids like they are my own.
You can show up at my house at midnight to talk about your bad day.
I will always have a shoulder for you to cry on.
I always say what I’m thinking, I will not sugar coat it.

I’m sad because…

I know soon my son will be going off to college.
I too often get consumed with Momma/wife  guilt.
I take everything personal.
I wish there were more hours in the day so I could slow down and enjoy the little things.
I wish we had more family of 4 time, instead of everyone going in different directions.

I’m happy because…

I am truly blessed.
It is holiday time....
I am finally having some time to learn new hobbies.
We are headed out of town which means hours locked in a car just the 4 of us!

I’m excited for…

My son and his time in this new journey.
My sewing machine is coming.....
Christmas Break...
Christmas music 24 hours a day.
Being with family.
Fireplaces and roasting marshmallows.
Christmas Eve game night.
Watching Christmas vacation...a Christmas Eve tradition.

Just thought I'd share a little bit about who I am...
Love to hear who you are?!?

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