Thursday, December 15, 2011

What does Christmas mean to you?

Wow! It seems like I have been missing from the Blog World for a while! I have missed you guys and I have had plenty to say, I have just been crazy busy, in a little bit of a funk, not feeling creative, and had plain old writers block. When I share with you guys, I try to be upbeat or at the very least some what inspiring, and lately I just haven't felt it. SO...I took some time off, and now I'm back. I still don't have a lot to say, I'm still in a semi funk, I'm still not feeling all that creative and my writers brain isn't ticking very well, but I have some things on my heart and I thought I'd go ahead and share.
We are all very aware that it is Christmas (I can't believe it is already December 2011. Crazy how fast time is going). Usually, this is my favorite time of year. But for some reason this year I am feeling blah. I have listened to Christmas music all day, decorated my house, baked our favorite goodies, and nothing works, I still feel more like scrooge than Mrs. Clause. Finally, after spending a solid week going back and forth to malls, shoe stores, flower shops, and getting alterations for my kids winter formal. It hit me, why I'm sad. I'm sad because Christmas has gotten so incredibly commercialized. I don't know if it has always been or if it is just that I am older and I am seeing it more clearly. The entire holiday is centered on what everyone wants, how much you can spend, where to find the perfect gift, long lists, long lines, and lots of debt.
When my kids were little, we had all the normal Christmas traditions, we took time to enjoy all the little things, and we celebrated the reason for the season...JESUS! My kids are much older and wiser, and are very aware of the real reason we celebrate Christmas, but it did not stop them from making a very long list of over the top materialistic items. After reading their lists, I was sick to my stomach. Did I make them this way? Is this what they are exposed to everyday? How in the world do they even know these brands? And why would I spend $800.00 for a pair of boots just because it has a "famous" label on it. RIDICULOUS! Kids today, feel way too much pressure to keep up, whether from peers at school or magazines and television shows they are exposed to. Society is teaching our children in order to be “somebody” you need to wear a certain label, live in a certain home in a certain neighborhood, drive a certain car, or be able to vacation in these certain areas.
What happened to simplicity? I know society has always pushed sales down our throats during Christmas, and I know that kids have always wanted to keep up with what everyone else has, but it seems that it is now defining “who” they are. I want my kids to refocus their thoughts and realize things do not make a person, and getting a large amount of expensive items does not mean you had a successful Christmas. I will admit I have always bought my kids way to many things for Christmas, it was easy to do when they only wanted toys. I heard a lady on KLOVE sharing her Christmas traditions, she said her kids have always only gotten four gifts, one thing they want, one thing they need, one thing to wear, and one thing to read. She said her children are very appreciative and they are able to spend more money on making memories, instead of buying more stuff. WE are a society consumed with too much stuff! I have decided not only to minimalize the commerciality of Christmas this year, but also to also try and buy only things that will help to benefit others in some way. That meaning I will buy gifts from other bloggers, websites where the proceeds go to charity, St. Jude’s (I love their little drawings), or small ma and paw stores. My kids are blessed, they do not need anything, they may have things they want but there are people out there who want a home to live in, food to eat, a warm coat to wear, or to have their loved one with them during this time of year. Many people are fighting for their lives this holiday season, many have given their lives to protect us and left their loved one’s to be fatherless or husbandless at Christmas. So let’s think about them, pray for them, bless them in some way, and help people we love and people we come in contact with to realize what it means to truly celebrate Christmas. Starting new traditions will help the future generations realize that it is not all about “the stuff”. Jesus and his love for us is all we need. It is the reason we celebrate the best gift we could possible get. HIS BIRTH. We all come into this world with nothing, and we will all leave with nothing. Bless someone else this Christmas, give up the stuff.
I was reading an article from a hospice nurse who said that out of all the hundreds of people she has sat with during their last moments on earth, they all made the same comments about the things they had wished they had done before they died. The number one thing….LIVED..... Lived a purpose filled life, spent more time enjoying the blessings around them, worked less, and loved deeper. A good thing for all of us to think about. Let's not wait till we are dying to LIVE....Take a few minutes to reevaluate your Christmas this year...give up a little now to gain a lifetime of memories for later.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

I AM.....

I’m weird because…

I can't drink out of the same glass in a day. (hence the reason we have 20 glasses dirty each day).
I don't eat meat.
I wear the same outfit multiple days in a row (if it's clean!)
I like to dip my crackers in chocolate ice cream.
I prefer butter cream icing cake over any meal.
I can not sit with my back to a door.
I prefer to NOT cuddle when I sleep.
I treat my dog like she is a real baby.
I am a creature of habit.
I can’t sleep without a loud box fan.
I’m scared of cats and petrified of frogs.
I love the smell of old libraries.
I have watched the notebook at least 200 times.
I get excited during the holidays so I can watch Charlie Brown.
If I need something the first place I look is a thrift store. (I am truly a thrift-a-holic)
I believe I can make "everything"...
I hate drying my hair, I will go 4 days between washings, LOVE dry shampoo!
I am an English major and the worst speller ever.
I'm addicted to reality T.V.
I change "what I want to be when I grow up" at least 2 times a year.
I have to brush my teeth before I drink my orange juice.
I have a very strong sense of smell.
My car is always a mess.
I am a terrible driver (However, those wrecks REALLY were not my fault).
I am my biggest critic.
I can not say NO.
I never, ever iron....HATE IT!
I love to listen to swing/big band music all day.
I can not parallel park.
I will try anything once.
I am not afraid to talk to anyone.
I would rather be outside with nature, in a tent, than anywhere else in the world.
I love to love love Nicholas Sparks.
I hate to go to the grocery store, I would rather have a root canal with no Novocain.
I am VERY sentimental....( probably the reason I look like a hoarder )

I’m a bad friend because…

I  sometimes take days to check my voice mails.
I am terrible at returning phone calls and emails.
I will choose time with my family over a shopping/lunch date with them.
I have a really bad filter, I don't always think before I speak.

I’m a good friend because…

I will drop everything for a friend in need.
If you are my friend you have a place in my heart for life.
I love their kids like they are my own.
You can show up at my house at midnight to talk about your bad day.
I will always have a shoulder for you to cry on.
I always say what I’m thinking, I will not sugar coat it.

I’m sad because…

I know soon my son will be going off to college.
I too often get consumed with Momma/wife  guilt.
I take everything personal.
I wish there were more hours in the day so I could slow down and enjoy the little things.
I wish we had more family of 4 time, instead of everyone going in different directions.

I’m happy because…

I am truly blessed.
It is holiday time....
I am finally having some time to learn new hobbies.
We are headed out of town which means hours locked in a car just the 4 of us!

I’m excited for…

My son and his time in this new journey.
My sewing machine is coming.....
Christmas Break...
Christmas music 24 hours a day.
Being with family.
Fireplaces and roasting marshmallows.
Christmas Eve game night.
Watching Christmas vacation...a Christmas Eve tradition.

Just thought I'd share a little bit about who I am...
Love to hear who you are?!?

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Challenge number ??????

OK, So I have NO idea where I have left off on this challenge thing.
I have been totally busy, there is just a lot of things I haven't 
actually posted, because it is either day to day nonsense or
unfinished projects! 
Could have sworn the reason for this challenge was to NOT have 
unfinished projects!
However, next time I do a challenge it will be when it's not so
close to any holiday and a child graduating!
But here is what I have done...Oh and FYI, to top things off
I'm just finishing a wonderful cycle of the stomach flu!
My pics won't be that great because quite honestly today I just
don't have the energy. 
I finally finished my burlap table runner....yeah!
I have wanted to do this for a while since I saw it on a post
(props to
So here is my will look quite simple,
but the fact is, for a newbie sewer like myself it
took a little longer than I thought.

Believe it or not the hardest part was all that fraying!

Not great pictures, it looks alot better in person. 
Now if I could just find my farm table to make it pop!

YES....My house is decorated for Christmas. I actually 
got most of it done last weekend. I have 4 trees done
and 2 more to go. Then I'll hopefully get all
the outside done by tomorrow. 
YEAH! Nothing like an early start....
So there you have it! That is what I've been doing,
that, and Bible study, Photo group outreach, Connect groups,
one-one mentorships, feeding the missions, sewing class, Lifecoaching, 
LifeCoach training, making crafts for the craft show,  talking to insurance companies, and all the other
day to day chores.....blah, blah, blah.
NOT to show you what all I do in a day, because we are all
terribly busy, I just wanted to show you, I wasn't purposely
putting off my blog.
I've missed you guys!
You are never to old to start new hobbies and new adventures,
but you may start to feel old if you do to many at once.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Challenge Day 5-10.....

OK seriously, where is time going? I can' seem to keep up.
I feel like there are not enough hours in the day to 
do everything I want to do.

Anyone else feel that way?

I will try to give you the "highlights" of what I have
accomplished these last 5 days.
 I know, I promised you something "extraordinary", but
 some days are just "ordinary" and busy with
normal day to day stuff.
So not a lot of "fun" to report, but a promise is  a promise
so I'll give you what I got!

 On Saturday Nov. 5th, I got to go with my photography group and take pictures of 
"Gods Creation"
Sounds easy, but it was a bit tougher than I thought, because the place we 
went was BEAUTIFUL...and all around me was
God's miraculous creations.
I wanted to bottle it all up and capture every moment. 
Here a are a few of the shots....

Fall leaves and colors are so amazing to me.

Streams of natural water is not only peaceful but tranquil.

I love paths, and this place had many beautiful, winding paths.
This shot made me think of the journey I've been on and the 
journey that lies ahead. But with God guiding my path
how can I ever go in the wrong direction.

It is when I am in surroundings like this and see the beauty of everything God created,
that I wonder how could someone NOT believe?

Sunday, wasn't such a good day I had a migraine all day, so I missed church,
that always makes me sad. 
But I did get my carpets cleaned, so that was one more thing checked off my list.
My poor husband had to get everything ready and moved, so appreciate him!

Monday, was my sewing class day. Have I told you how much
I. Love. That. Class?
I have an awesome machine, that even embroideries, and we are making
our second bag.
I am learning so much, and realizing sewing is an expensive
little hobby.

Tuesday, I went to my Bible study group where we are studying Beth Moore's
it is awesome, real, and makes you really think.
Doesn't help when you are doing the study and you had a tornado, earthquake and flooding
all in one night. 
I was starting to wonder what went wrong...Had I been LEFT BEHIND?!?
After Bible study, I had the privilege of teaching women how
These women had NEVER been to a thrift store, they felt a little overwhelmed at 
first, but with a little guidance, in no time they started loading 
their carts.....SHOCKED at all the great finds.
For those of you who do not know....Thrift stores are pretty much 
all I shop at. I get asked all the time "where did you get that, it is so cute"
I smile, and say GW for 1.00!

We had so much fun and here are a few items I picked up for myself. 

Cute little tailored ticking jacket. still has a tag on it, $59.50!

However see that little red tag....yep! That means 1.99!

Awesome lightweight sweater, pictures do not do these justice. Light Paris Blue with brown stitching.
Boutique style.

Great Corral 
Bohemian style shirt.

Notice where it is from, Ann Taylor Loft, oh and the YELLOW tag, that meant 1/2 off,
so how much did I pay? .50 cents!

Loved this vintage, butterfly, fun, flirty skirt.

The vintage glass buttons gives it a boutique feel.

Oh, and what is this? Well I collect these old vintage Thermos. WHY? Because
I like them, and I have cute fun party ideas with them. 

I think that was the smallest amount of items I've ever left a thrift store with, but I wasn't there for me
I was there to help others. 

Wednesday, Well I organized! It all started with waking up at 5:30 a.m. and cleaning
out my refrigerator and kids snack pantry, getting it ready
for the food I was heading to purchase at the grocery store.
I am so anal about my grocery shopping, however
I HATE grocery shopping.
I have to write a menu, make a list, drive to the store (which now takes forever), usually I have to go to more than one store.
Put the groceries in the cart, wait in line, put the groceries on the belt to ring up, take the sacks
and put in my car, drive back home, unload the groceries into the house, and put them all 
a way! 
But to make things more difficult for me that day, I decided to redo my kids snack cabinet and
one of my spice cabinets.
Here are some pictures, of the final result. Not exactly what I was going for, but
financially right now, it was all I could do. Containers are expensive!

Labeled with chalk vinyl paper, cut them into oval shapes, and used a chalk marker to write.

Hopefully, this will keep us from having 1/2 eaten snack foods, because the bag has been left open and the food became stale.

Now lets see how long it takes the kids to mess up their pantry?!?

So that has been it for the last few days, I feel like I at least got some things done.
If God calls you to it, or you wake up breathing, remember you have a 
purpose that day! So don't put things off or be lazy, use your
time wisely.